Targetable Moments Help Drive Receptivity of Smartphone Messaging

Targetable Moments Help Drive Receptivity of Smartphone Messaging

Smartphone advertising can reach any type of user at any time of day; however, users are more receptive to smartphone advertising at home than on the go. Some factors like brand familiarity, interesting creative, good timing and brand coupons help drive the overall receptiveness of mobile advertising; however, the effectiveness of these factors goes down as soon as a user is on the go. The time users are most receptive is while watching TV (highest with millennials), which reflects the overall multi-tasking nature of consumers.

What this means for marketers: A smartphone is a vehicle to deliver any and all types of advertising at all times of the day. The advertisers that can narrow the broad-reaching “mobile” strategy into targetable moments are the advertisers that are seeing more success with smartphone marketing. Messages that are being delivered while a user is out and about should be quick and convenient. Messages delivered while a user is at home should still be targeted to the moments and activities happening there. On average, consumers are most receptive while watching TV at home, and this is especially true for millennials. Many people look at their smartphones while lying in bed, creating another receptive moment for users. Gen Z is the most receptive to smartphone advertising before bed, while Boomers are less receptive than average around bed time. Finding the right place AND time to deliver a mobile advertisement will help drive overall success and receptivity to the ad’s message.