Embracing Artificial Intelligence in Marketing in 2024

Embracing Artificial Intelligence in Marketing in 2024

Embracing Artificial Intelligence in Marketing in 2024

Embracing Artificial Intelligence in Marketing in 2024

As we are nearly two months into 2024, it’s difficult to ignore the pivotal role that Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to play in our lives, especially in the world of marketing. Building upon the foundations of our October 2023 webinar exploring Generative AI, we’re excited to chart the trajectory of AI adoption and its implications in the media landscape, as laid out in Harmelin’s 2024 Media Trends presentation. 

Last year, in our 2023 Media Trends, we delved into the concept of Generative AI and its potential applications, particularly emphasizing the emergence and impact of ChatGPT. Since then, we’ve witnessed significant growth and integration of AI into daily workflows. This year, our focus shifts towards understanding how marketers are leveraging AI in their day-to-day operations and how we can incorporate it throughout our own workflows.  


Attitudes Towards AI 

Not surprisingly, marketers are prone to be early adopters of AI. A recent Kantar survey revealed that 70% of marketers hold somewhat or very positive sentiments towards AI, contrasting with 51% of general consumers. While both groups exhibit a predominantly positive outlook, marketers display a significantly higher inclination, signaling a growing confidence in AI-driven strategies. 


Attitudes Toward Generative AI


Priorities in 2024 

Per Kantar, Generative AI has emerged as a top five priority for marketers in 2024, reflecting an increasing interest in harnessing its capabilities. Despite this rank, we know that comfort levels – let alone widespread transformation – are not achieved overnight. Presently, marketers predominantly utilize AI for testing creative elements and aiding in copy and content creation, highlighting a gradual but steady integration into existing workflows. 


How to Leverage AI 

Expanding beyond content creation, AI seems to be permeating throughout various facets of marketing, offering diverse avenues for implementation. MarTech discusses 6 ways to use generative AI for your marketing: generate, extract, summarize, rewrite, classify, and question and answer. The following are some of the most common ways marketers can apply these concepts of using AI to their day-to-day work.  

  1. Content Creation: AI can assist in crafting content across platforms – from email to social media – by sparking the ideation process. Always be sure to maintain a human-first approach and ensure all Al-generated content is fully vetted and non-copyrighted material.
  2. Data Analysis: Preliminary data analysis becomes more efficient as AI identifies trends and conducts sentiment analysis, offering valuable insights from vast datasets. One common application can be seen in online reviews, where a small blurb may appear selecting highlights from what customers have written.
  3. Summarization: AI can condense extensive information into succinct summaries, facilitating efficient decision-making and knowledge dissemination. This can be used for encapsulating something as large as an academic paper to something as casual as summarizing meeting notes.
  4. Copy Refinement: Tailoring content for different audiences can be simplified using AI, by ensuring personalized messaging aligns to each audience’s unique needs.
  5. Data Organization: Artificial Intelligence aids in classifying and organizing data, enabling targeted marketing efforts and enhanced audience segmentation.
  6. Customer Engagement: AI can also enhance customer support by streamlining inquiries and routing users to appropriate customer service departments, fostering a seamless experience. 


Seizing Opportunities 

As we conclude, it’s imperative to embrace AI strategically and thoughtfully, capitalizing on its potential while mitigating risks: 

      • Develop a comprehensive approach to AI integration, prioritizing areas of focus and aligning with organizational objectives.
      • Appoint dedicated personnel to monitor the evolving AI landscape and adapt strategies accordingly.
      • Establish clear guidelines for AI usage to ensure brand authenticity and uphold privacy standards. 


The journey towards AI-driven media requires a vigilant balance between innovation and responsibility, wherein strategic implementation and ethical considerations pave the path for sustainable growth and engagement. While we cannot predict exactly where this road will take us, we can all take this transformative journey together, leveraging AI to redefine the future of media and marketing. 


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