Anniversary Interview: Alicia Rho, Director, Celebrates 20 Years with Harmelin Media

Alicia Rho Celebrates 20 Years at Harmelin Media

Anniversary Interview: Alicia Rho, Director, Celebrates 20 Years with Harmelin Media

Recently, Director Local Broadcast Buying Alicia Rho celebrated 20 years at Harmelin Media. To celebrate this milestone, we sat down with Alicia to talk about her thoughts on the changing nature of our industry and get to know her better. 



What are some of the notable changes you have seen in the industry since you started at Harmelin? 

We’ve become more savvy in how we use our client’s media dollars, thanks to advancements in technology. Advertisers can break through clutter and connect with their intended audiences in ways that could not have been imagined twenty years ago! We’re able to make smarter, more data-driven decisions now. 


What has been your greatest success at Harmelin? 

Being happy – which is the ultimate goal, right? I’ve found a role that suits me, and I work with people that I respect and admire. Many of us have “grown up” together and have known each other for half our lives. 


Where do you see the industry in the next 1 Year, 5 years, 10 years? 

I think AI and automation will increasingly influence how our jobs are done, making our lives easier and harder at the same time. Easier by eliminating some of the grunt work, but also harder because there will continue to be a constant learning curve. 


Where is your favorite place to be? 

I have wanderlust, so my favorite place is anywhere new! If I had to choose one place, it would be London. I’ve visited many times and feel at home there. 


What is your favorite Song, Movie or TV Show and why? 

I like light-hearted movies with a happy ending, like You’ve Got Mail and Mamma Mia! Nothing scary or sad. I’m still mad that Rose didn’t share the door with Jack at the end of Titanic. 


What is the one thing you can’t live without? 

My family. 


Cheryl Klear, Senior Vice President says “Alicia is extremely organized and so good at figuring out shortcuts and better ways of doing things that she shares with our team. We all appreciate Alicia’s knowledge and willingness to impart her wisdom with everyone.” 

Meghan O’Neil, Senior Director, shares “I’ve been working with Alicia since the day I started at Harmelin. She trained me in broadcast buying from the start, and I still learn new things from her all the time. She is an amazing problem solver and is always finding new tips and tricks to make our workdays as efficient as possible. She’s always willing to help anyone who needs it, no matter how busy she is. I am the buyer I am today because of working alongside her all these years!”


Thank you, Alicia, for your 20 years of commitment to Harmelin and our clients. Congratulations! 


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