• Thirty Years Later

    Thirty Years Later, Still Roaring

    In the fall of 1994, EVP Scott Davis (then a Media Strategist), wrote a short story for the Harmelin Media Report titled "I Am Consumer, Here Me Roar!!" about officially joining the Adult 25-to-54 demographic. 30 years on and as he leaves that demo behind, Scott looks back on what it meant, and the evolution marketers have seen over the years....

  • Enhancing Media Strategy

    Enhancing Media Strategy with Affiliate Marketing: Insights from iPX2024

    By strategically integrating affiliate marketing with SEO, Paid Search, Paid Social, and Influencer Marketing, you can amplify your online presence, reach targeted audiences, and drive significant conversions. This multi-faceted approach not only maximizes marketing efforts but also builds long-term relationships with affiliates and influencers, fostering ongoing brand growth....

  • Retail Innovation Conference

    #RICE24: Don’t Forget the Importance of Consumer Connection

    The 2024 Retail Innovation Conference & Expo in Chicago highlighted the cutting-edge strategies and technologies that are reshaping how brands and consumers interact....

  • Meta Conference Blog

    Meta Conference Blog

    Brandon Turner attended the Meta Performance Marketing Summit in San Francisco, where top advertisers explored strategies for optimizing Facebook and Instagram campaigns using AI, creative innovation, and data-driven insights. Discover the key takeaways to supercharge your marketing efforts and maximize ROI! ...

  • Programmatic Marketing Summit

    Programmatic Marketing Summit

    The Digiday Programmatic Marketing Summit was a deep dive into privacy regulations, contextual targeting, programmatic supply chain optimization, and AI in a cookieless future. ...

  • MediaPost Search Performance Insider

    MediaPost’s 2024 Search & Performance Insider Summit

    Richard Bosler recently attended and spoke at MediaPost’s 2024 Search and Performance Insider Summit. Conversations included Pmax, The Cookless Future, AI, test and learning strategies, more AI, and much more. Here are some of Rich’s top takeaways....