40 Under 40: 1982 – 1992

40 Under 40: 1982 – 1992

In celebration of our upcoming anniversary on 10/18 we compiled a noteworthy list of advertising tools, platforms or events that happened each year since Harmelin was founded 40 years ago. Check out the list for 1982 – 1992 below!



1982: Harmelin Media Founded

1983: Microsoft Word is Released

1984: Era of Political Ads Began; Apple’s 1984 Commercial Aired

1985: Microsoft Excel Launched; AOL Launched

1986: IBM Unveils the PC Convertible, the 1st Laptop Computer; FOX Becomes the 4th Broadcast Network

1987: Adobe Illustrator was Released

1988: 1st Harmelin Media Report Published

1989: World Wide Web Invented; 1st GPS Satellite went into Orbit

1990: Adobe Photoshop Released

1991: World Wide Web Unleashed – Dial Up Process Began

1992: 1st Web Browser Introduced




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