Author: Harmelin Media

Political Advertising & the Media 2020

Political Advertising & the Media in 2020

Total ad expenditures next year will very likely set a record as media companies expect significant increases in political spending, including direct candidate spending, Political Action Committee (PAC) spending and other issue advertising. Kantar recently provided a very conservative estimate of $6 billion in political

Steve Knebels Anniversary

Steve Knebels 20th Anniversary Interview

  Steve Knebels, Media Director/Sports Manager, recently celebrated 20 years at Harmelin Media. Continuing our Anniversary Interview Series, we sat down with him to get his thoughts on the industry and get to know him personally. What is your philosophy towards your work? My philosophy towards my work

Fall Preview – Final Predictions

We hope you have enjoyed our posts detailing our 24th Fall TV Preview. In conclusion, here are our new show predictions.   Whether you will be glued to broadcast, cable, streaming programming or a mix of everything, we are all looking forward to an entertaining fall season.

It’s Like I Have ESPN Or Something

CABLE NEW SHOWS & NOTEWORTHY NEWS A&E has partnered with producer Essential Media Group to produce one of the craziest live stunt series ever attempted. The Impossible Live will follow world renowned daredevil Bello Nock as he attempts some of the most ambitious stunts ever shown

Maggie Machalowski 15th Anniversary Profile

As the Head of Harmelin’s Broadcast Traffic Department, Maggie Machalowski has helped guide our company through the ongoing TV and video evolution, using her expertise to seamlessly merge digital and traditional processes. It was 2013 when Harmelin recognized the benefit to our clients if we

out of home sign at airport

The Digitization of Out of Home

Out of home media, defined as static and digital billboards, posters and street furniture, is one of the last true mass reach vehicles. As fragmentation further splinters the media landscape and consumers have more devices, bundles, channels and apps at their fingertips, out of home